
Old dude with thoughts on the community

I posted a shorter version of this elsewhere but I had more to add, and I'd like to see if there is interest in discussion on the topic. Warning: it's long.

I've been part of this community for a really long time. I'd estimate I found the community in 2000 or 2001. I was a teenager when FatNat's sticker program was still alive, Bellybuilders was at its peak (and SFGutMuscle was still under 350), The Oinquirer was competing with Fattenup for views, Fantasy Feeder was in its infancy, and when Dimensions still had the Weight Board and 700 club. Even back then fat fetishism was a very closeted kink. Models who were into it, for the most part, really were into it in one way or another. There weren't that many actually gaining, and those who were did it slowly and stopped before reaching 600 pounds. There were exceptions, but the ultrahuge models were exceedingly rare. Betsy was one, and (the origional) Gaining Goddess was another, though I don't think she ever made it to the 700 Club. Most importantly no one was competing to out gain anyone else or to intentionally become the fattest person alive. Tara and Echo would never have happened back in the day, particularly as young as Tara is.

This community has also been going downhill for a long time, too. I'd wager it started around when Luscious (she misspelled her own name, I forget how, but it was just screaming ghetto money grasmiley and other lymphodema/lipodema models started becoming prominent. The big sites were BigCuties and BBWRoyalty. BigCuties seemed to have legitimate feedees who were at a sustainable size who may or may not have been actively gaining, or did off and on. BBWRoyalty was bigger girls who mostly weren't feedees or into the fetish/kink aspect normally but needed a source of income. By and large I always felt like BBWRoyalty didn't vet their models as carefully as BigCuties, and as a result they facilitated the most toxic and dangerous aspects of the community. The most obvious example here is Goddess Patty. Not long after a bunch of independent paysites started appearing, was one of the first post-modeling site breakouts, and wasn't the last. The independent cam girl thing didn't start with YouTube OnlyFans and TikTok.

With more models comes less quality in content. Those models back in the day knew the beats because they were the real deal, most of them. The bigger girls that weren't genuine still knew mostly the main points and how to do camera angles and such to show the right things. Simplicity really was key, do the thing the right way without overhyping it (an example is Layla. Her older stuffing videos were legendary because she knew how to hit every spot and get all the beats while not trying too hard). Now we have Mochii, literally going too hard too fast exclusively for the money. There's MassivelySweet, marketable for her ginormousness and willingness to play along, but pretty clearly doesn't have the kink. And aforementioned lymphodema models, like the one lady who has 110 inch hips or whatever her deal is. And don't even get me started on the potential 600 pound life types who are too fat to work and too lazy to diet, and who use OF as easy money. None of them have any idea how to do a fetish video beyond eating and playing with their fat. Every one of them looks the same time me. That includes Samantha. I'm going ro detail the details of her journey as none of it is relevant to how the fat fetish scene has changed. But it was clear that, like GoddessPatty, she wasn't really into it and didn't "get" it. On the opposite end there's Tara and Echo, both intentionally gaining to immobility. Echo is obviously suffering from massive potentially life threatening lymphodema. Honestly I question why no one tried to stop her from making content before she got the where she is now. And Tara...I never knew death feeserism was a thing in real life. By intention or not she's going that route. The idea of being huge like that is one thing, but making it actually happen is a bridge too far for the vast majority of us. There's also the frauds and obvious fakes, MissFluff being the most obvious example, but that that comes with the territory, social media or not.

Speaking of social media and fat dating sites, they only serve as advertising for cam girls. They require payment to communicate with them, even on free dating sites. This is becoming big with gay gainers, too. Guys who are just casual OnlyFans dudes who make videos once in a blue moon will respond to messages with their PayPal links, or OF site, Amazon wishlist, and such. Back in the day consistent male models were extremely rare, even in the gay gainer community. Once in a very great while one would pop up connected to a much larger female model or as a sideshow on a female modeling site. Now the male fat modeling world is every bit as transactional as the female one. It may be even worse.

--Continued in next reply--
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

The content has become more extreme, too. It started as fat models being fat, belly play, stuffing videos showing before and after, measuring and comparing previous numbers, really simple obvious stuff like that. Now it's mega stuffings (50,000 cal in a sitting sometimes), eat/chug until you puke, literally eat lard/drink butter/some other suicidal pure fat substance, sit on cake and then eat it, intentionally messy stuffings/rubbing food on belly/playing with food while eating very little of it etc., eat to and beyond pain/until you can't move/until the body refuses to even swallow anymore, really really more extreme and reckless stuff. Sometimes I'll see something that makes me genuinely wonder what the hell happened to this community, and who in the hell gets off to this lunacy? The most extreme side of this really closer to sadomasochism than simple fat admiration and encouragement. It seems like the bigger (as in more popular) models are competing on how extreme they can be, constantly outcrazying one another. The market is really small, so I can't imagine the profits are worthwhile for all of it.

I think the issue is monetizing. All modeling was paid, I get that. The difference is now EVERYONE has an OF and EVERYONE expects to get paid. So, of course, competition is pretty fierce. Who can gain the most the fattest and in the right places...who has the prettiest face (the face was bever the primary focus before), who can be the goes on. Some of these people are very obviously mentally ill (Treasure is one. The way she talks is so fake and disingenuous I don't believe she has the kink). Social media also made the face more important, so anonymous models rarely make money. Yeah, I know Vin did, but he is an exception.

I guess what I'm getting at is that the whole focus of fat fetishism is the experience. It's visual and tactile and deeply emotional. And it's lost a lot of that. Now it's all generic porn, when it started as shared experiences and feelings between like minded adults. Fat talk today is about desires and inconveniences caused by weight gain. Before it was the experience of outgrowing clothes, the sensation of jiggling more and finding new rolls, there was pride and anticipation and hunger for more (literally and figuratively) was just generally more deeply connected to the person doing the gaining than the superficial "look at me I'm fat" stuff literally everyone does now.

Fat fetishism is no longer actually about fat appreciation; it's about financial exploitation. The new normal has gone from people who genuinely appreciated, and were attracted to, a rounder softer body type, to various types of toxic material. The one lady who claimed to be "groomed into" feederism really embodies the self victimizing angle of it. She chose to wait alone for him in a hotel room when she could have walked away then and there. No one forced her to stay there or do anything she blames her then boyfriend for. Goddess Patty and the lady in Fat girls and Feeders have become stereotypical poster children for the evils of feederism, effectively permanently branding all feeders as evil, narcissistic psychopaths who coerse emotionally vulnerable women into gaining weight nonstop until they die. And then there's Nickacado. He wasn't trolling, nor was he brilliant. He was making money on his own emotional instability and intentional weight gain. FoodieBeauty...more mental illness used as clickbait. I'm not trying the trash these people, they clearly need help and are choosing to live in a premissive environment. I mentioned them because THESE are the people representing the community. It's only the most toxic ones that anyone recognizes. Movies (plural) have been made where the feeder was the villian. So the community at large has this huge universal stigma against it. This is what we have literally been reduced to.

A good illustration of all of this is Candy Godiva. She started big, somewhere in the 400s if I remember right. She didn't really have the kink, but she was one of the origional huge models. She gained a bit but not entirely on purpose. Then she abruptly stopped modeling and did mukbangs, basically for the same audience. She didn't convince anyone that she was not gaining anymore, and--surprise-- she got a lot fatter from the daily eating videos. In the process she also became a millionaire, at least on paper. Now she goes back and forth between regretting how fat she is and refusing to actually do anything about it. That's essentially the spiral of the community. It started out with the intent to connect with others, then the content became more assessable and easily monetized, and quality plummeted. I rarely ever engage with the community anymore when I used to be a well known forum contributer (I think I had 4 or 5 cans when I left). Oh, and DIMs I have memories. N00bs will never know how rich the community once was.

Am I alone in noticing these things?
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

I think these are valid observations, but I fear you have an incomplete view on things.

There's been a heavy emphasis on the feedee models. While I agree the commercialization of this fetish is concerning, you cannot have a market without buyers.

I've lurked in the community long before being an active member. There's a growing sense of entitlement from all corners of this community. I see people openly being entitled to fat people and their bodies to an alarming degree.

For example, if you look in the comments of any feedee or gainer, you'll notice a lot of hostility if they don't gain fast enough or stuff themselves intensely enough, the audience gets nasty. And not just models - regular feedees get this too.

I had a conversation with a fellow feeder not too long about about his struggles finding a feedee. He exhibited the same growing entitlement. I pointed out that when you are pushy and entitled, the only people who will give you the time of day are those that want your money.

But people ain't trying to hear that.

On top of all this, this community has developed a cult-like mentality towards fatness. These days, so many people value extreme weight gain over everything else. It's to the point where feedees that want to go from 400 lbs to 250 lbs for comfort do not feel comfortable talking about these things

Hell, even though I am strictly a feeder, I get a lot of people who are genuinely confused as to why I want to be muscular over being fat.

Back in the day, people were less obsessed about extremes. Sure you had the extreme weight gain crowd, but it was a niche within a niche. But now you have feeders genuinely upset that their feedee - who has gain 50 lbs in a year - is not gaining fast enough. Feedees are mentally spiralling because people are shaming them for not being at least 200 lbs.

I am into extreme weight gain, but we desperately need the kink diversity we are rapidly losing.
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

Im really interested in this discussion, as with others similar to it.

I think all these characteristics you two mention are true, and i can see this being an effect of people mentally degrading, mostly due to working much harder due to economic crisis. Many people dont even have the time to think. Either they are wasting up in a gig economy job, or they collapse into a couch and recoop for the next day. This, then, means that people dont develop at all! Ideas, from the worldview of someone to something pragmatic like "how do i attract a partner" remain at a shallow level, almost as if waiting to be refined. People in general are very shallow now (On the other hand, im not convinced that the situation has ever been much better).

EDIT: Narcissism! I forgot about narcissism! So, our (western) culture encourages and glorifies more and more narcissism. It is very likely that much of the behavior you inscribed is also an effect on the increased levels of narcissism, among the general population.

What do you think?
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

I disagree with a lot of the detail in what you’ve said, but the overall thrust of it I basically agree with.

I was thinking only the other day that some of the best fat content was around in my early 20s. It was generally some amateur on youtube who had hidden her fat fetish from the world all her life and was feeling the intense thrill of playing with her belly on camera.

I’m pretty sick of the economics of fetish content driving what people expect. This site is still quite good, but on the other one, every second person has an only fans or a cashapp. And they’re incessantly complaining about how no one is “feeding” them. This is partly why some of the more extreme content has become prevalent: people are competing for attention in buyers’ market.

At the other end of the spectrum are certain well-known content creators, who essentially re-enforce the monetised nature of things. “Support content creators”, is the catch cry. Well, I’d rather not. I’d rather support someone who isn’t a “content creator”, who’s just involved because they are genuinely into it.

I have no difficulty with the existence of content creators as such — at a very high weight it may be a person’s only available source of income. But there are far too many, and it is only going to get worse.
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

I disagree with a lot of the detail in what you’ve said, but the overall thrust of it I basically agree with.

I was thinking only the other day that some of the best fat content was around in my early 20s. It was generally some amateur on youtube who had hidden her fat fetish from the world all her life and was feeling the intense thrill of playing with her belly on camera.

I’m pretty sick of the economics of fetish content driving what people expect. This site is still quite good, but on the other one, every second person has an only fans or a cashapp. And they’re incessantly complaining about how no one is “feeding” them. This is partly why some of the more extreme content has become prevalent: people are competing for attention in buyers’ market.

At the other end of the spectrum are certain well-known content creators, who essentially re-enforce the monetised nature of things. “Support content creators”, is the catch cry. Well, I’d rather not. I’d rather support someone who isn’t a “content creator”, who’s just involved because they are genuinely into it.

I think there's a balance to strike. I think content creators should be paid. They are providing a service that incurs a financial burden on their part to provide it

But at the same tlme there needs to be passion and joy in lt as well.

On the flip side, let's not run off the feedees who are only in it for the love of the game. Lotta people get mad when feedees are talking about their kink escapades only for other users to demand free conteng from them

There's a user on here that is into extreme gaining. No pics, but she never asks anyone for anything. Absolute gem. And yet I have seen pelpme openly harrass her for free content.
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

I disagree with a lot of the detail in what you’ve said, but the overall thrust of it I basically agree with.

I was thinking only the other day that some of the best fat content was around in my early 20s. It was generally some amateur on youtube who had hidden her fat fetish from the world all her life and was feeling the intense thrill of playing with her belly on camera.

I’m pretty sick of the economics of fetish content driving what people expect. This site is still quite good, but on the other one, every second person has an only fans or a cashapp. And they’re incessantly complaining about how no one is “feeding” them. This is partly why some of the more extreme content has become prevalent: people are competing for attention in buyers’ market.

At the other end of the spectrum are certain well-known content creators, who essentially re-enforce the monetised nature of things. “Support content creators”, is the catch cry. Well, I’d rather not. I’d rather support someone who isn’t a “content creator”, who’s just involved because they are genuinely into it.

I think there's a balance to strike. I think content creators should be paid. They are providing a service that incurs a financial burden on their part to provide it

But at the same tlme there needs to be passion and joy in lt as well.

On the flip side, let's not run off the feedees who are only in it for the love of the game. Lotta people get mad when feedees are talking about their kink escapades only for other users to demand free conteng from them

There's a user on here that is into extreme gaining. No pics, but she never asks anyone for anything. Absolute gem. And yet I have seen pelpme openly harrass her for free content.

Completely agreed.
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

This site could support content creators without actually paying them. People who get likes on their pictures could get extra messages and picture views.
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

As a person who discovered this stuff later in life I don’t have knowledge of anything prior to 2022 and I feel like not much has changed other than in the periphery there’s more people accepting their bodies and saying it’s okay to be fat so I think just on that alone I think this message is off base, I think body positivity and size acceptance has become more mainlined, I don’t see it as much in explicitly kink spaces but I think that’s because it doesn’t need to be. People can go to and be directly body positive without even considering kink. The kink space has become a marketplace to sell content which can people can go without directly considering body positivity. Just my 2 cents as a newb
2 months

Old dude with thoughts on the community

This site could support content creators without actually paying them. People who get likes on their pictures could get extra messages and picture views.

Yeah, I can see this going left real fast.

Sure, the commercialization of kink is irksome, but clout is a hell of a drug.
2 months
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